Image spcefications:
- Exposure: 155 minutes, LRGB = 80:20:20:20 minutes, for core RGB = 5:5:5
- Camera: SBIG ST-8300M, Temp -15 ° C, Baader LRGB filters
- Instrument: Meade 25 cm with AstroPhysiscs reducer, focal distance 1750 mm
- Mount: Losmandy G11
- Guiding: TS Off Axisguider, Starlight Xpress Lodestar autoguider and PHD
- Location: Etoile St. Cyrice, France
- Sky Quality Meter: 21,37
- Ambient temperature: 15° C
- Date: 2 september 2011
Image acquisition with ImagesPlus 4.0 Camera Control with dither:
- 8 Luminance of 10 min, binned 2x2
- 4 Red + 4 Green + 4 Blue of 5 min, binned 2x2
- 5 Red + 5 Green + 5 Blue of 1 min, binned 2x2 for the core
- 20 Flat fields per channel with Aurora Flatfield panel
At home, camera in fridge:
- 20 Dark frames of 10 min + 20 Dark frames of 5 min
- 20 Flat darks (per channel) + 20 Bias frames
Processing in ImagesPlus 3.82:
- Automatic Image Set Processing per channel: calibrate, normalize, grade
- Align and combine (Min Max Excluded Average)
- Align and combine Red, Green and Blue results (1:1:1,2)
- Digital Development (DDP)
- Reduce High Low Pixel
- Deconvolution Adaptive Richardson-Lucy (PSF 5x5, 10 iterations)
Processing in Registar:
Processing in Photoshop CS3:
- Combine Luminance and RGB with Lab Color (Split RGB and Combine Lum, a, b)
- Layer Mask
- Levels
- Saturation