Image spcefications:
- Exposure: 5 hours 15 min, LRGB = 105:70:70:70 minutes
- Camera: SBIG ST-8300M, Temp -25 ° C, Baader RGB filters
- Instrument: TEC 140 with field flattener, focal distance 980 mm
- Mount: Losmandy G11
- Guiding: TS Off Axisguider, Starlight Xpress Lodestar autoguider and PHD
- Location: Etoile St. Cyrice, France and Wateren, Netherlands
- Sky Quality Meter: 21,31
- Ambient temperature: 6° C
- Date: 18 September and 12 October 2015 2012
Image acquisition with ImagesPlus 4.0 Camera Control with dither:
- 7 Luminance of 10 min, binned 1x1
- 7 Red + 7 Green + 7 Blue of 10 min, binned 1x1
- 20 Flat fields per channel with Aurora Flatfield panel
At home, camera in fridge:
- 20 Dark frames of 10 min + 20 Dark frames of 5 min
- 20 Flat darks (per channel) + 20 Bias frames
Processing in PixInsight 1.8
- ImageCalibration, ImageIntegration, StarAlignment, ChannelCombination
- HistogramTransformation, StarMask, PixelMath, MorphologicalTransformation
- LRGBCombination, ACDNR, CurvesTransformation, SCNR, AtrousWaveletTransform