Image spcefications:
- Exposure: 9 hours, HaO3 = 240:300
- Camera: SBIG ST-8300M, Temp -20 ° C, Baader LRGB filters
- Instrument: TEC 140, focal distance 980 mm
- Mount: Paramount MX+
- Guiding: TS Off Axisguider, Starlight Xpress Lodestar autoguider and PHD
- Location: Nozières, France
- Date: 7, 8, 9 Februari and 5 Mars 2022
Image acquisition Sequence Generator Pro:
- 12 H-alpha of 20 minutes, binned 1x1
- 15 O3 of 20 minutes, binned 1x1
- 20 Flat fields per channel with Flatfield panel
- 20 Dark frames of 20 minutes + 100 Bias frames
Processed with PixInsight